Affordable International Medical & Travel Insurance!
Plans Start at $39/month!
Traveling or Residing Internationally?
We offer affordable global medical insurance for individuals and families as well as group employees.
Global health plans and services for leisure, short/long-term stay, study, mission, marine, and business travels.
Why International / Travel Health Insurance?
If you intend to visit or stay in another country for a short or long period, you will need medical coverage.
We customize our global medical coverage based on your family’s needs with added benefits like dental, vision, and emergency medical evacuation.
A wide range of international health plans provides coverage for ex-pats, travelers, students, missionaries, and more. In addition, our network of elite physicians, hospitals, and other providers in over 180 countries extends an all-access pass to a whole level of care worldwide.
134 + Carriers with Over 14,000 Plans!
Plan Highlights:
Affordable Premiums.
Annual Benefit Options: $1 Million, $2 Million, or $Unlimited.
Optional US Coverage.
International Outpatient Services.
Optional Maternity Coverage.
International Emergency Medical Evacuation.
International Health & Wellbeing.
International Dental & Vision.
24/7 Phone, Web, and Mobile Support.
Prompt Access to Trusted Doctors and Hospitals.
Cashless Appointment Scheduling.
Paperless Claims Resolution.
Destination Health Intelligence
Disclaimer: Plan requirements, qualifications, restrictions, and availability apply. Please speak with a licensed agent for details. Call Us at (720) 744-0065. We offer Travel & international medical insurance nationally and in the local Colorado market (all counties)